I tried Bitrise Ship Publish and got an error.
I checked the Deploy Log, but there was no detailed error information, so I could not solve the problem.
Hi @AtsushiIzu! Can you try to run a publish attempt again? We’re still expecting it to fail, but would need some more recent logs to investigate. Thanks in advance!
Thank you! This error seemed to be caused by you initially removing a profile from Bitrise that ship was relying on. We found a bug in how Ship handles these code signing identities and the team will be working to sort that out. In the while we fixed your case manually, so you should no longer experience this problem!
Thank you!
Confirmed that the problem was solved. Ship isn’t successful, but that’s my misconfiguration, so there’s no problem.
I will continue to setting the Ship and use it.
Another problem is that version information is displayed incorrectly in the version list.
(See image)