Hi! Ship used to work for my iOS project, but for the past month or two, has failed constantly when I try to publish new versions. The logs include:
| (1) git::git@github.com:bitrise-io/addons-ship-metadata-downloader-ios.gi... |
| id: git@github.com:bitrise-io/addons-ship-metadata-downloader-ios.git |
| version: update |
| collection: git |
| toolkit: go |
| time: 2020-12-16T05:34:02Z |
| |
e[0m- JSONConfigPath: https://api.ship.bitrise.io/apps/{appId}/versions/{versionId}/ios-config
- AccessToken: *****
Downloading file from:
e[31;1mfailed to download json config file, error: failed to get response, statuscode: 500, body: {"message":"Internal Server Error"}