Unable to download files manually from App Settings


I’m attempting to manually download files via App Settings (https://app.bitrise.io/app/yourapphashhere/settings/files) as I want to confirm I actually uploaded the correct one. I was able to do this before the UI change to bitrise.


When I click on the 3 vertical dots icon and select Download, I get a 403 Access Denied from aws (https://concrete-userfiles-production.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com), saying Request has expired. This occurs regardless of whether the file is exposed or not, and across all my apps.

Does anyone else have this problem? What can I do to download the files? Thanks.

Update. It looks to be an issue on my Firefox browser but not my Chrome browser. I wonder if it’s a setting I have on, or if it’s specific to Firefox.

Either way I have a solution.

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