We have an issue that seems to have started about a week ago, we cannot download deployed APKs anymore (when using “deploy to bitrise.io” step, v1.3.19). The build performs as it did before without errors, however when clicking on the “download” button (on the public page or on the “Apps & artifacts” tab), we get this (and the request returns with a 503 status) :
We have been using Bitrise for a few months now and it worked before, but it seems previously deployed packages can no longer be downloaded. We didn’t change anything in the build process.
Damn you’re right it seems it was that. Though it’s not really a space but a ‘\r\n’ character actually (apparently).
Maybe something changed somewhere in your app that now takes into account that char? I guess there’s no reason our file’s endline character suddenly changed (that’s where we get the app version) .
Yes, that’s basically what happened It’s still in the works but for now “unexpected” characters will result in this error, we’ve also seen it happen with “+” signs.