Public deployed APK cannot be downloaded any more


We have an issue that seems to have started about a week ago, we cannot download deployed APKs anymore (when using “deploy to” step, v1.3.19). The build performs as it did before without errors, however when clicking on the “download” button (on the public page or on the “Apps & artifacts” tab), we get this (and the request returns with a 503 status) :

We have been using Bitrise for a few months now and it worked before, but it seems previously deployed packages can no longer be downloaded. We didn’t change anything in the build process.

Hi @nminary!

Sorry to hear about the issue, sounds really strange! Any chance you can send us a link to the app and also enable Support Access on the Settings tab of the app ( ) so that we can take a more in-depth look?

Thank you for you quick answer. I just enabled that setting!

Hello @nminary
thanks for the url but unfortunately, this is the public install page, not the build’s url :upside_down_face:

Oh sorry @fehersanyi-bitrise, is this better : ?

Hi @nminary!

We have a suspicion as to what might be causing this, can you give us an estimate on when were you last able to download these files?

the last date the download was working for us was April 19

Thanks! We suspect that this is due to the space in the name of the APK, please see:

Although this does not explain why this behaviour started only recently, so we’re still investigating that

Damn you’re right it seems it was that. Though it’s not really a space but a ‘\r\n’ character actually (apparently).

Maybe something changed somewhere in your app that now takes into account that char? I guess there’s no reason our file’s endline character suddenly changed (that’s where we get the app version) :thinking: .

Anyway thank you! You’re the best! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hi again!

Yes, that’s basically what happened :slight_smile: It’s still in the works but for now “unexpected” characters will result in this error, we’ve also seen it happen with “+” signs.

Happy that it’s sorted!

Hi once more!

Just wanted to let you know that fix was released, these files should be available again!

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