Hello, I’m Karlo Marin, an IOS developer, my team was using Bitrise to distribute our builds since half year ago, and all went fine, but recently we’re having problems to send a build, the only one thing that I modified it was update the provisioning profile, because were invalids by add a new device’s UDID, but after that the build’s times goes so high that throws a time out at 99% so we gain 10 minutes more but even there failed again by a timeout so I saw we had a stack configuration which near gonna be removed (xcode 9.2x, on macOS 10.12 Sierra ) so I changed to the nearest option which not be depricated (xcode 9.4x on macOS 10.13 High Sierra), but I didn’t realize any change. so just after the archive prints “Exporting ipa from the archive…” prints the Custom export options plist and this last line
[10:26:51] set -o pipefail && xcodebuild “-exportArchive” “-archivePath” “/var/folders/90/5stft2v13fb_m_gv3c8x9nwc0000gn/T/__archive__928042437/Dagm8.xcarchive” “-exportPath” “/var/folders/90/5stft2v13fb_m_gv3c8x9nwc0000gn/T/__export__438835808” “-exportOptionsPlist” “/Users/vagrant/deploy/export_options.plist” | xcpretty
So do you have any idea why is happening and so suddenly? doesn’t seems to be an important factor.
Thanks, greetings