Ship - public links / shipping app to client

Hi, at our company we currently looking for new solution how to distribute apps (both Android and iOS) to our clients, is there a possibility to create “public” distribution page where user that is not logged within Bitrise can download the apk aab ipa file?

Hello -

You can use the public install URL and include the “deploy to” step specifying the email addresses that are not associated with a Bitrise account with the “Notify: Emails” step input.

For iOS, please review: Deploying an iOS app to | Bitrise DevCenter

For Android, please review: Deploying Android apps to Bitrise and Google Play | Bitrise DevCenter

that’s a nice tip, this could work for some use-cases, but in some cases, we would like to pass release to a certain group of users (PM, Stakeholders, Clients). My understanding is that subsection QA within Ship feature is where this should happen, but it’s in a coming soon state for some time now. Whats the status of this feature:

Unfortunately, we are not able to really provide updates on feature requests. We get a number of requests and as much as we would love to implement all of them, we can’t. We constantly have to evaluate the priority of these requests and as a result, things may change.