Not receiving email with android app-release-bitrise-signed.aab after completing deploy-to-bitrise step

I am building an .aab file with the “Flutter build” step. Everything works correctly. I can see my .aab file at the artifacts tab after the whole workflow is finished. The problem is that in the workflow I have the “deploy to bitrise” step and I configured it, so that I should receive an email with a link for the .aab file, but I never receive it. I’ve already tried all troubleshooting options here:

Just to let you know, I do manage to receive emails for my .ipa and my .apk files. But .aab shipment doesn’t seem to be working correctly. It is really strange, since I also make sure to have the “Enable public page for the App” input to true, but when I check the details of my artifact after the workflow has finished, the option “Enable public page for the App” is again set to false. That does not happen with .ipa nor with .apk.

I leave here the logs of my deploy-to-bitrise steps. “(3) deploy-to-bitrise” is the one for the aab.

| (1) deploy-to-bitrise-io@2 |
| id: deploy-to-bitrise-io |
| version: 2.0.3 |
| collection: |
| toolkit: go |
| time: 2022-02-04T18:19:02Z |
| |

  • BuildURL: Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation
  • APIToken: [REDACTED]
  • IsCompress: false
  • ZipName:
  • DeployPath: /Users/vagrant/deploy/Runner.ipa
  • NotifyUserGroups: everyone
  • NotifyEmailList:
  • IsPublicPageEnabled: true
  • PublicInstallPageMapFormat: {{range $index, $element := .}}{{if $index}}|{{end}}{{$element.File}}=>{{$element.URL}}{{end}}
  • PermanentDownloadURLMapFormat: {{range $index, $element := .}}{{if $index}}|{{end}}{{$element.File}}=>{{$element.URL}}{{end}}
  • BuildSlug: 01915b52-4112-4a71-ac2b-4a1a6600292c
  • TestDeployDir: /var/folders/62/0p2cg52j6r16xjxfqch4vgt40000gn/T/test_results912865335
  • AppSlug: 057196ba04900f04
  • AddonAPIToken: [REDACTED]
  • DebugMode: false
  • BundletoolVersion: 1.8.1
    Deploying single file
    List of files to deploy
  • /Users/vagrant/deploy/Runner.ipa
    Deploying files
    Uploading ipa file: /Users/vagrant/deploy/Runner.ipa
    analyzing ipa
    ipa infos: map[app_title:bitrise_flutter_test_app build_number:1 device_family_list:[1 2] min_OS_version:12.0 version:1.0.0]
    creating artifact
    file size: 10MB
    [REDACTED]ing artifact
    finishing artifact
    You can find the Artifact on Bitrise, on the Build’s page: Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation
    The public install page url is now available in the Environment Variable: BITRISE_PUBLIC_INSTALL_PAGE_URL (value:
    A map of deployed files and their public install page urls is now available in the Environment Variable: BITRISE_PUBLIC_INSTALL_PAGE_URL_MAP (value: Runner.ipa=>
    A map of deployed files and their permanent download urls is now available in the Environment Variable: BITRISE_PERMANENT_DOWNLOAD_URL_MAP (value: Runner.ipa=>Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation)
    Upload test results
  • [REDACTED]ing (0) test results
    | |
    | ✓ | deploy-to-bitrise-io@2 | 10.77 sec|

    | (2) deploy-to-bitrise-io@2 |
    | id: deploy-to-bitrise-io |
    | version: 2.0.3 |
    | collection: |
    | toolkit: go |
    | time: 2022-02-04T18:19:13Z |
    | |
  • BuildURL: Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation
  • APIToken: [REDACTED]
  • IsCompress: false
  • ZipName:
  • DeployPath: /Users/vagrant/deploy/app-release-bitrise-signed.apk
  • NotifyUserGroups: everyone
  • NotifyEmailList:
  • IsPublicPageEnabled: true
  • PublicInstallPageMapFormat: {{range $index, $element := .}}{{if $index}}|{{end}}{{$element.File}}=>{{$element.URL}}{{end}}
  • PermanentDownloadURLMapFormat: {{range $index, $element := .}}{{if $index}}|{{end}}{{$element.File}}=>{{$element.URL}}{{end}}
  • BuildSlug: 01915b52-4112-4a71-ac2b-4a1a6600292c
  • TestDeployDir: /var/folders/62/0p2cg52j6r16xjxfqch4vgt40000gn/T/test_results912865335
  • AppSlug: 057196ba04900f04
  • AddonAPIToken: [REDACTED]
  • DebugMode: false
  • BundletoolVersion: 1.8.1
    Deploying single file
    List of files to deploy
  • /Users/vagrant/deploy/app-release-bitrise-signed.apk
    Deploying files
    Uploading apk file: /Users/vagrant/deploy/app-release-bitrise-signed.apk
    analyzing apk
    apk infos: map[app_name:bitrise_flutter_test_app min_sdk_version:16 package_name:com.example.bitrisefluttertestapp.bitrise_flutter_test_app version_code:1 version_name:1.0.0]
    creating artifact
    file size: 15MB
    [REDACTED]ing artifact
    finishing artifact
    You can find the Artifact on Bitrise, on the Build’s page: Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation
    The public install page url is now available in the Environment Variable: BITRISE_PUBLIC_INSTALL_PAGE_URL (value:
    A map of deployed files and their public install page urls is now available in the Environment Variable: BITRISE_PUBLIC_INSTALL_PAGE_URL_MAP (value: app-release-bitrise-signed.apk=>
    A map of deployed files and their permanent download urls is now available in the Environment Variable: BITRISE_PERMANENT_DOWNLOAD_URL_MAP (value: app-release-bitrise-signed.apk=>Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation)
    Upload test results
  • [REDACTED]ing (0) test results
    | |
    | ✓ | deploy-to-bitrise-io@2 | 6.07 sec |

    | (3) deploy-to-bitrise-io@2 |
    | id: deploy-to-bitrise-io |
    | version: 2.0.3 |
    | collection: |
    | toolkit: go |
    | time: 2022-02-04T18:19:19Z |
    | |
  • BuildURL: Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation
  • APIToken: [REDACTED]
  • IsCompress: false
  • ZipName:
  • DeployPath: /Users/vagrant/deploy/app-release-bitrise-signed.aab
  • NotifyUserGroups: everyone
  • NotifyEmailList:
  • IsPublicPageEnabled: true
  • PublicInstallPageMapFormat: {{range $index, $element := .}}{{if $index}}|{{end}}{{$element.File}}=>{{$element.URL}}{{end}}
  • PermanentDownloadURLMapFormat: {{range $index, $element := .}}{{if $index}}|{{end}}{{$element.File}}=>{{$element.URL}}{{end}}
  • BuildSlug: 01915b52-4112-4a71-ac2b-4a1a6600292c
  • TestDeployDir: /var/folders/62/0p2cg52j6r16xjxfqch4vgt40000gn/T/test_results912865335
  • AppSlug: 057196ba04900f04
  • AddonAPIToken: [REDACTED]
  • DebugMode: false
  • BundletoolVersion: 1.8.1
    Deploying single file
    List of files to deploy
  • /Users/vagrant/deploy/app-release-bitrise-signed.aab
    Deploying files
    Uploading aab file: /Users/vagrant/deploy/app-release-bitrise-signed.aab
  • analyzing aab
  • fetching info
    URL used to download file:
    $ java “-jar” “/var/folders/62/0p2cg52j6r16xjxfqch4vgt40000gn/T/tool933208249/bundletool-all.jar” “dump” “manifest” “–bundle” “/Users/vagrant/deploy/app-release-bitrise-signed.aab”
    aab infos: map[package_name:12 version_code:1 version_name:1.0.0]
    creating artifact
    file size: 15MB
    [REDACTED]ing artifact
    finishing artifact
    You can find the Artifact on Bitrise, on the Build’s page: Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation
    A map of deployed files and their permanent download urls is now available in the Environment Variable: BITRISE_PERMANENT_DOWNLOAD_URL_MAP (value: app-release-bitrise-signed.aab=>Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation)
    Upload test results
  • [REDACTED]ing (0) test results
    | |
    | ✓ | deploy-to-bitrise-io@2 | 6.76 sec |

Hello @ivan.gonzalez2 :wave:

Can you let us know if this issue sill happens?
If it does, could you please send us a related build URL via and enable Support Access (Redirecting…) so that we may take a closer look? :slight_smile: