I’m trying to upload the Android APK to Google Play. I’ve created a google services account and given it the requested access. I then added the services json file into the system through the generic files storage.
I am getting this error:
Failed to create auth config from json key file, error: google: read JWT from JSON credentials: 'type' field is "" (expected "service_account")
Are you sure that you followed the setup guide from the Step’s description? It seems the JSON is not a Service Account auth JSON but something else (maybe a personal one?).
Its quite confusing there are many ways to create service accounts. I went through the wrong one but I’ve explored a bit more and found the one that produces the right file.
I’ll update when the build has finished to let you know its worked
Yeah, Service Account reg for Play Deploy is not a trivial process… But the step by step guide in the Step’s description should work - if there would be an issue with that just let us know!
e[34;1mUpload apkse[0m
e[31;1mFailed to upload apk, error: googleapi: Error 403: APK has not been signed with the upload certificate., apkNotSignedWithUploadCertificatee[0m
| |
| e[31;1mxe[0m | e[31;1mgoogle-play-deploy@1.3.3 (exit code: 1)e[0m | 23 sec |
| Issue tracker: https://github.com/bitrise-io/steps-google-play-deploy/issues |
| Source: https://github.com/bitrise-io/steps-google-play-deploy |
It seems that the Keystore you uploaded to bitrise.io can not be used for Google Play deploy.
I’d suggest you to download that and try to sign an APK with that directly, then upload that APK to the Play store - you’ll get the same error.
So, in short, you have to replace the Keystore file you uploaded to bitrise.io with the one which is allowed on the Play store.
Asked around a bit and our “educated guess” is that you enabled the new “Google Play App Signing” feature (Use Play App Signing - Play Console Help) on Play, which requires the APK to be signed with a specific Keystore to be accepted, and you most likely did not upload that Keystore to bitrise.io
Specifically this section from the linked official guide, from the About Google Play App Signing section:
With Google Play App Signing: You sign your app with your upload key. Then, Google verifies and removes the upload key signature. Finally, Google re-signs the app with the original app signing key you provided and delivers your app to the user.
Failed to upload apk, error: googleapi: Error 403: APK has not been signed with the upload certificate., apkNotSignedWithUploadCertificate
I spent couple of hours till I realise that my file extension was .keystore not .jks
I used the following command to convert it: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore [MY_FILE.keystore] -srcalias [ALIAS_SRC] -destkeystore [MY_KEYSTORE.jks] -deststoretype jks -deststorepass [PASSWORD_JKS] -destalias [ALIAS_DEST]