Google Play Deploy failed to authenticate

Description of the issue

When trying to deploy my app to Google Play Store it fails and gives the following error.

Build log


| (8) google-play-deploy@1.5.1 |
| id: google-play-deploy |
| version: 1.5.1 |
| collection: |
| toolkit: go |
| time: 2018-09-25T16:29:08Z |
| |
INFO[16:29:08] Start installing (golang) with apt-get
INFO[16:29:08] * [OK] Step dependency (go) installed, available.

  • JSONKeyPath: ***
  • PackageName: app.agenda.faculdead
  • ApkPath: /bitrise/deploy/app-release-bitrise-signed.apk
  • ExpansionfilePath:
  • Track: beta
  • UserFraction: 0.5
  • WhatsnewsDir:
  • MappingFile:
  • UntrackBlockingVersions: true
    Failed to create auth config from json key file, error: No file found at path: [REDACTED]
    | |
    | x | google-play-deploy@1.5.1 (exit code: 1) | 7.31 sec |
    | Issue tracker: |
    | Source: |

Hi @silasiebert,

Sorry to hear about the issue. Can you please send us a build URL we could look into?

Hi @bitce. How should I send you the build url. Through the chat?

You can simply pase it here :slight_smile:

We prefer that in case you open a thread we attempt to resolve it here, so anyone can see the process it took.

But alternatively you can contact us with similar issues on our on-site chat as well of course!

Thanks @silasiebert!

What method did you use to provide your Service Key JSON? Based on the log I can see it is a secret but the error leads me to believe that the file is not at that specified path.

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