Expand/collapse build logs per step within a Bitrise Run step

Description of the feature request

The logs generated by the Bitrise Run step (and all the workflows run subsequently) are collapsed in a single section on the build log page.
It would be nice to have them separated by step.


+ Step 1
+ Step 2
+ Bitrise Run step
   Step 3
   Step 4
+ Step 5


+ Step 1
+ Step 2
+ Bitrise Run step
   + Step 3
   + Step 4
+ Step 5

Use case / for what or how I would use it

We use Bitrise Run steps quite a lot. This feature would improve our experience navigating our build logs.

Thanks for the #feature-request @philippebb! For anyone interested, I want to point out that with hosting the .yml in the repository this is achievable, but there are certain use cases the Bitrise Run step works better with, so the request is still appreciated!

As a matter of fact we have both: a yml on bitrise.io with a Bitrise Run step that calls a workflow defined in a yml in our source code repo.
In the example from my original post:

  • Step 1, 2 and 5 are defined in the yml on bitrise.io
  • Step 3 and 4 are defined in the yml in our repo

Please can we get this feature. We run a single giant bitrise run step and the logs are insane to parse

@philippebb @fred.ells and anyone using “Bitrise run” step :rocket:
We are working on something awesome, but we still need some feedback on this step.
We’d love to hear more about your experiences in this 1-minute survey: https://bitrise.typeform.com/to/wp3ItWpJ

Thank you! :purple_heart: