Codesigndoc doesn't work

Iā€™m trying to upload apple certificates with codesigndoc script, but it only returns

no export code sign groups collected

I was following this tutorial: Quick and dirty guide to Flutter on Bitrise | Bitrise

This is the full output:

 => Creating a temporary directory for codesigndoc ...
 => Downloading version: 2.4.1
 => Downloading codesigndoc from ( to (/var/folders/cx/x5953syj7rx_n9wtvvhjljdr0000gn/T/codesigndocXXXXXX.z7PaF8kd/codesigndoc) ...
############################################################################################################################### 100,0%############################################################################################################################### 100,0%
 => Making it executable ...
 => codesigndoc version: 2.4.1
 => Running codesigndoc scan ...

Scan the directory for project files
You can specify the Xcode project/workscape file to scan with the --file flag.
Found one project file: Runner.xcworkspace.

šŸ”¦  Scanning Schemes ...
$ xcodebuild "-workspace" "/Users/XXXX/XXXX/XXXX/XXXX/XXXX/ios/Runner.xcworkspace" "-list"

Select the Scheme you usually use in Xcode
Please select from the list:
[1] : app_settings
[2] : app_tracking_transparency
[3] : camera
[4] : dev
[5] : DKImagePickerController
[6] : DKImagePickerController-DKImagePickerController
[7] : DKPhotoGallery
[8] : DKPhotoGallery-DKPhotoGallery
[9] : facebook_app_events
[10] : FBSDKCoreKit
[11] : file_picker
[12] : Firebase
[13] : firebase_analytics
[14] : firebase_auth
[15] : firebase_core
[16] : firebase_dynamic_links
[17] : firebase_messaging
[18] : firebase_storage
[19] : FirebaseAnalytics
[20] : FirebaseAuth
[21] : FirebaseCore
[22] : FirebaseCoreDiagnostics
[23] : FirebaseDynamicLinks
[24] : FirebaseInstallations
[25] : FirebaseMessaging
[26] : FirebaseStorage
[27] : Flutter
[28] : flutter_inappwebview
[29] : flutter_local_notifications
[30] : GoogleAppMeasurement
[31] : GoogleDataTransport
[32] : GoogleUtilities
[33] : GTMSessionFetcher
[34] : Intercom
[35] : intercom_flutter
[36] : nanopb
[37] : OrderedSet
[38] : package_info
[39] : package_info_plus
[40] : path_provider
[41] : Pods-Runner
[42] : prod
[43] : PromisesObjC
[44] : Runner
[45] : SDWebImage
[46] : Sentry
[47] : sentry_flutter
[48] : SwiftyGif
[49] : url_launcher
[50] : webview_flutter_wkwebview
(type in the option's number, then hit Enter) [1] : 4

Xcode (xcodebuild) version: Xcode 13.0 (Build version 13A233)

šŸ”¦  Running an Xcode Archive, to get all the required code signing settings...
$ xcodebuild "-workspace" "/Users/XXXX/XXXX/XXXX/XXXX/XXXX/ios/Runner.xcworkspace" "-scheme" "dev" "clean" "archive" "-archivePath" "/var/folders/cx/x5953syj7rx_n9wtvvhjljdr0000gn/T/__codesigndoc__262574181/dev.xcarchive"

šŸ’”  Saving xcodebuild output into file: /Users/XXXX/XXXX/XXXX/XXXX/XXXX/ios/codesigndoc_exports/xcodebuild-output.log

šŸ”¦  Analyzing the archive, to get export code signing settings...

Codesign settings used for archive:
development team: XXXX XXXX XXXX (XXXX)
codesign identity: Apple Development: XXXX XXXX (XXXX) [XXXX]
provisioning profiles: iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.XXXX -> com.XXXX

Targets to sign:
- com.XXXX with 0 capabilities

Select the ipa export method
Please select from the list:
[1] : development
[2] : app-store
[3] : ad-hoc
[4] : enterprise
(type in the option's number, then hit Enter) [1] : 2

To collect available code sign files, we search for installed Provisioning Profiles:"
- which has installed Codesign Identity in your Keychain"
- which can provision your application target's bundle ids"
- which has the project defined Capabilities set"
- which matches to the selected export method"

Do you want to collect another ipa export code sign files
(select NO to finish collecting codesign files and continue) [yes/NO]: no
no export code sign groups collected

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