Can 't set up fastlane to run properly - lane not found when i run bitrise , but runs locally

Hi everyone , i am having some problems trying to run my fastlane set up on bitrise

i have modified my fastfile locally on my branch , committed the changes and pushed my branch for PR.
when i tag my branch it runs the trigger from bitrise and i keep getting this error

| Lane Context |
| DEFAULT_PLATFORM | android |
[21:13:58]: Could not find lane ‘android deploy_tag’. Available lanes: android qa, android qabranch, android staging, android homo, android preproduction, android production
| fastlane summary |
| Step | Action | Time (in s) |
| 1 | Verifying fastlane version | 0 |
| 2 | default_platform | 0 |
[21:13:58]: fastlane finished with errors
[!] Could not find lane ‘android deploy_tag’. Available lanes: android qa, android qabranch, android staging, android homo, android preproduction, android production

i have checked the bitrise.yml that is generated on the workflow from bitrise and this lanes that are show as options when not getting mine are not part of it ( also i can see my lanedeploy_tag there) , they are placed in the bitrise.yml that is on my branch (repository).
I would like to know how to force bitrise to use my fastfile and not to use the bitrise.yml that is locally on the repository.

I do not have so much expertise on bitrise so any help would be appreciated.

Thanks !


  • after some time of searching i would say i found the solution , when i was cloning the repo via script i had to add git checkout $MY_BRANCH in order to build the bitrise.yml from there , i was only on the source of the repository so by default my fastfile was never able for bitrise ( was using the old fastfile from repository)
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