My build pipeline has been working fine. But, all of a sudden, they all fail today.
It seems like issues in Bitrise toolchain. When installing fastlane (using fastlane step), it returns error:
| (3) fastlane |
| id: fastlane |
| version: 2.3.12 |
| collection: |
| toolkit: go |
| time: 2018-11-17T13:02:53-08:00 |
| |
e[36mINFOe[0m[13:02:53] * e[32;1m[OK]e[0m Step dependency (go) installed, available.
- WorkDir: /Users/vagrant/git
- Lane: build_branded_dev
- UpdateFastlane: true
e[34;1mExpand WorkDire[0m
e[32;1mExpanded WorkDir: /Users/vagrant/gite[0m
e[34;1mDetermine desired Fastlane versione[0m
Checking Gemfile.lock (/Users/vagrant/git/Gemfile.lock) for fastlane gem
Gemfile.lock defined fastlane version: 2.107.0
e[34;1mInstall Fastlane with bundlere[0m
e[32;1m$ bundle "install" "--jobs" "20" "--retry" "5"e[0m
e[31;1mFailed to create command model, error: unkown ruby installation typee[0m
| |
| e[31;1mxe[0m | e[31;1mfastlane (exit code: 1)e[0m | 4.22 sec |
| Issue tracker: |
| Source: |
I don’t know why, all of a sudden, bundler can’t install fastlane at all. It was working fine on Friday (Nov 17).
The error is clearing within the fastlane step - code.
The rubycommand
module is another Bitrise tool as well - code.
It seems like the update to rubycommand has screwed things up - commit
Please have a check.