XCode archive & Export fails

I get the next error when trying to run archive & export step. Can someone
suggest what should I do?
Failed to get embedded profile path, error: open /path/to/my.xcarchive/Products/Applications: no such file or directory

Hi @Oleg.Ivaniv,

From this very little error snippet I’d say your project is either not an App project (e.g. a framework project), or that you changed a config like Skip Install in your Xcode project, which should not be changed for App type projects (related docs: http://devcenter.bitrise.io/ios/frequent-ios-issues/#no-mobileprovision_path-found-no-embeddedmobileprovision-found-in ).

If neither of these would help:

  • First try to do a full Archive & Export from Xcode, until you get a signed .ipa. If this is indeed a Xcode project config issue then you’ll have the same error, most likely during the Export of the .ipa
  • If none of these helps, please copy paste the related build’s bitrise.io URL here so that we can look into its full log

Hi @viktorbenei,
Yes, it’s framework project and turned out that I had an incorrect path to the plist file. The issue is resolved.

Thanks for your help!

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Glad to hear @Oleg.Ivaniv, thanks for reporting! :wink: