Xcode 14.0 Release Candidate update on Intel!

Notable changes on Intel:

  • Xcode 14.0 Release Candidate is present on the Intel stack
  • Please note, that the default value of CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED of resource bundle changed to YES in Xcode 14 that might cause code signing issues. Please see the suggested workaround in the linked thread
  • macOS SDK was reverted back by Apple to 12.3 (21E226). All the previous Xcode 14.0 beta versions had 13.0 (22A5321d) SDK
  • Please check your target simulator devices, as there are many changes in the available simulators, multiple iPhones simulator versions were excluded in this version, while the Apple Watch SE, Series 8 and Ultra devices appeared. The exact change list is in the system report
  • ionic/cli version was updated to 6.20.1
  • appcenter-cli version was updated to 2.11.0
  • react-native version was updated to 0.70.0

Known Issues

  • Deploy to App Store Connect with Deliver (deploy-to-itunesconnect-deliver) is not working on Xcode 14 RC Stack, please use Deploy to App Store Connect - Application Loader
    (deploy-to-itunesconnect-application-loader) instead. We are looking into providing a solution.

To select these Stacks you just have to open your app on [bitrise.io](https://www.bitrise.io),
go to the Workflow tab (Workflow Editor), and on the Stack tab select the Xcode 14.0.x option and your next build will start on the corresponding stack.

Happy Building! :rocket: