Workflow - Abort via Bitrise DEN (timeout)

Hi @jsuarez, :wave:

It seems your build times out at the 30-minute mark, which is due to an account limitation.

You are currently building under a free, Hobby plan. The reason behind the "Timeout after 1800 seconds " error message would be that you are limited to a 30 minute build time on a free plan (which you are on, with your personal account).

If you’re just on the edge of limitation, I’d suggest trying to invite at least a friend! For every successful referral, you get 5 minutes of extra build time, up to a total of 50 minutes. You can read more about it here: Bitrise | Extra minutes on hobby plan!. You’ll be granted an additional 5 minutes when a user you invited has added an app and run at least one successful build. With four referrals you can extend your build time to the maximum of 50 minutes/build. For the fifth, you’ll get the tee. Your invitees and their progress will be displayed on your referrals page where you can see how far along they are.

Additionally, you can get a $25 discount for every single month on a paid subscription plan forever if you contribute to a Bitrise step: you can read a how-to guide here: Bitrise Contributors

Alternatively, you can upgrade to a paid plan for more build time. You can check out our Pricing page here.

Let me know if you have any further questions. :blush:​

~ Kata