Unsigned APK not able to install

I recently moved from Phonegap to Bitrise. I added my cordova application into bitrise dashboard and successfully able to download the .APK file. But when I try to install the unsigned apk generated by bitrise on my developer enabled android device but I get a message that the APK could not be installed. what could cause this?

My cordova application folder structure looks like below.


Even added IOS platform in my config.xml file and successfully build but when I check in Apps&&Artifacts tab, don’t see .IPA file instead can see *.app.zip and *.app.dYSM.zip files. How I can get .IPA file?

Hi there. @infratab.grandhis :wave:
Could you please send me a build URL of the related build and enable Support Access on the Settings tab of the app (Enabling the Bitrise Support user for your app | Bitrise DevCenter), so that I may take a closer look?

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