BITRISE_APK_PATH not writed for cordova archive 1.0.0 step

Hi Team!!
I have a cordova project with ios and android builds. Build, compile and archive files are ok.

The problem is that the BITRISE_APK_PATH variable is not being written and consequently the “deploy to bitrise step” is not uploading and creating the apk install page.

I believe it’s a bug in the archive step, because I have another project that uses the Ionic Archive 1.1.0 and the variable is writen correctly and the upload / install page works.

Attached is a printscreen comparing the two.

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Hi @ipirangamobile,

Thanks for reporting and sorry for the inconvenience!

This seems to be a duplicate of

A PR with a fix is already in-review:

If you’d have any questions just let us know!

Tks @viktorbenei.
I’ll wait for the correction.

As a workaround, manually created the variable $BITRISE_APK_PATH in tab “env vars” with $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR/android-release.apk content.

In my workflow, after the archive step, I put in a “Script step”, with a manual copy of the APK.

It’s ugly, but it worked :relaxed:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# fail if any commands fails
set -e
# debug log
set -x

# write your script here
echo "Hello World!"
cp "$BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR/platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/release/android-release.apk" "$BITRISE_APK_PATH"

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@ipirangamobile thanks for sharing the script!

It’s definitely a “good workaround” for now - the step update is coming really soon, we’re working on it as we speak :wink:

P.S.: I made a couple of “cleanups” on your Script in your comment, to make it a bit more “future proof”, I hope you don’t mind :slight_smile: