Run step after aborting

Description of the feature request

I’d like to have the possibility to run a step when a pipeline is aborted. Currently when a pipeline starts running, it sets the Gitlab status to running. However when it’s aborted I have no option to tell Gitlab that the pipeline was cancelled.

Use case / for what or how I would use it

To inform Gitlab that the pipeline was cancelled

Hi @bartjo

Unfortunately, there isn’t a way as of now to keep steps running after the build is no longer running, but your outgoing webhook should deliver the aborted build as a payload event as well. Can you look into your webhook delivery details on the Code tab of the app?

Maybe it would be preferable to open a separate issue thread, or contact us on our on-site chat about the case.

I’d like to +1 this request for a slightly different reason (and maybe find that since 2018 some support has snuck in…?)

For some of our pipelines we start off by setting up test environments etc (which come at a cost to run). If the pipeline is aborted then the final steps that tear down the test environment doesn’t get run so it will keep running unnecessarily.

When we had our pipelines in Jenkins we were able to have some finally steps that would always run regardless of what happened to the pipeline so we could clean things up properly. Maybe there’s something similar where a pipeline can specify some steps that even happen if there’s been an abort?

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