iOS - 'Test without building' step + 'xcpretty' formatter

Hello community!

For iOS workflow I want to use ‘build for testing’ and ‘test without building’ steps. Is it possible to use ‘xcpretty’ formatter with ‘test without building’ step? It’s not available as input param, maybe there is some other way to use it?

Basically I have a script at the moment and wondering if it could be replaced with ‘build for testing’ and ‘test without building’ steps keeping similar output (xcpretty part, I’d like to keep xcpretty output and generating html reports):

set -o pipefail && xcodebuild \
    test-without-building \
    -project $PROJECT \
    -testPlan 'UnitTests' \
    | xcpretty "--color" "--report" "html" "--output" "$BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR/unit-test-results.html"

Thank you in advance!