When uploading test results, I am currently facing the following error:
Error during parsing test results: %!(EXTRA *errors.errorString=No file found at path: /var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/test_results532517436/test_result489868446/[REDACTED]/Test.xcresult/TestSummaries.plist)
This is obviously after running the xcode-test step. The output of the tests state that they should be available.
Exporting test results
$ cp "-a" "/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/XCUITestOutput624749553/Test.xcresult" "/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/test_results532517436/test_result489868446/[REDACTED]/"
This is using the latest version of deploy to bitrise.io, 1.4.2
Running on the Xcode 11.0.x
I created an issue on Github as well, here