Google play deploy Failed to perform edit insert call

I’ve been trying this tutorial of deployment to google play ( but with no success.

At some point I’m getting an error Failed to perform edit insert call, error: Post[REDACTED]/edits?alt=json&prettyPrint=false: metadata: GCE metadata "instance/service-accounts/default/token?" not defined

Already tried to find issue with token scopes, but didn’t find nothing useful. Any idea what might be wrong?

Fragment of logs:


| (9) google-play-deploy@3                                                     |
| id: google-play-deploy                                                       |
| version: 3.0.2                                                               |
| collection:                |
| toolkit: go                                                                  |
| time: 2020-05-04T17:39:34Z                                                   |
|                                                                              |
Getting configuration
- JSONKeyPath: *****
- PackageName: org.aacctt.[REDACTED]
- AppPath: /bitrise/deploy/app-release-bitrise-signed.apk\n
- ExpansionfilePath: 
- Track: internal
- UserFraction: 0
- WhatsnewsDir: 
- MappingFile: 
Found .apk file: /bitrise/deploy/app-release-bitrise-signed.apk
Configuration read successfully
Authenticated client created
Create new edit
Failed to perform edit insert call, error: Post[REDACTED]/edits?alt=json&prettyPrint=false: metadata: GCE metadata "instance/service-accounts/default/token?" not defined
|                                                                              |
| x | google-play-deploy@3 (exit code: 1)                           | 12.45 sec|
| Issue tracker: |
| Source:               |

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