Hey there! Our iOS build pipeline works as expected. I just turned on “Submit for review” in Bitrise and now it fails.
I have no idea where to add this information:
The request could not be completed because:
You must provide a first name in the Contact Information section. You must provide a last name in the Contact Information section. You must enter a phone number in the Contact Information section. Make sure the phone number is formatted correctly and try again. The phone number must start with a “+” followed by the country or region code (for example, +44 844 209 0611). The email address must be in a valid format (for example, support@example.com). You must select the level of frequency for each Apple content description in the Age Rating section. You must add at least one screenshot. You must add at least one screenshot. You must add at least one screenshot. You must add at least one screenshot. [en-US]: You must add at least one screenshot. [en-US]: You must add at least one screenshot. [en-US]: You must add at least one screenshot. [en-US]: You must add at least one screenshot. [en-CA]: You must provide an app description for English (Canada). [en-CA]: You must enter one or more keywords for your app in English (Canada). [en-CA]: You must provide a Support URL. There are errors on the page and for 2 of your localizations. You must choose a price tier in <a href="[?]">Pricing</a>.
Deploy failed, error: exit status 1