Environment list is too large (KB), max allowed size: 256 KB

I have an issue on big workflow, on the last steps:

Preparing Step (Deploy to Bitrise.io - Build Artifacts, Test Reports, and Pipeline intermediate files) failed: environment list is too large (302.30859375 KB), max allowed size: 256 KB (exit code: 1)

The workflow work when launch standalone, but throw this error when added at the end of this global workflow.

This is problematic since this is a legit workflow. Is it possible to increase this value to 512 KB ?

Hi @etienne.bouche ,
You can follow this guide from us "[ENVMAN] environment list too large" error | Bitrise Help Center . You may want to add env_bytes_limit_in_kb value in the json value as well envman/envman/configs.go at master · bitrise-io/envman · GitHub . Please note that even though it’s possible, going for more than 512KB would slow down your builds and potentially break. Please let me know if it works for you.
Best regards,