If you try to modify the env variable
“Error saving app config: Error updating app config.”
A wording error has occurred.
Hi @publ ,
I couldn’t reproduce your issue. Do you have lots of env vars or an env var that is really big ? There is size limit FYI
Environment Variables - Bitrise Docs.
You can also find more info on Chrome Developer Console.
Best regards,
Thank you for quick response.
Please refer to “Environment Variables - Bitrise Docs.” of the link
I would like to refer to “https://support.bitrise.io/hc/en-us/articles/360019785578--ENVMAN-environment-list-too-large-error”, but it says the page does not exist. how can i easily increase the env vars list size.
How about this ?
mkdir -p ~/.envman && echo -e ‘{“env_list_bytes_limit_in_kb”: 256, “env_bytes_limit_in_kb”: 256}’ > ~/.envman/configs.json
Please note that you can’t set huge values, it’s better to keep sensitive data in Generic Storage file rather than in Environment Variables.
thank you! I’ll try it.
The success of the operation was verified by deleting unused workflows.