I’m exploring a way to report to slack the error descriptions of any given workflow.
Right now I have to go to the log and see what’s going on.
In Fastlane this is really simple, there’s an error lane that will have the exception error. But I can’t use it because there’s more setup in bitrise that can fail.
I’m trying to see if there’s a similar solution for bitrise.yml where I can post the error (or at least the last whatever lines of the error) that any given workflow/step made.
Is there any obvious way of doing this?
Think of a really complex yml file, I imagined some kind of exit point for all, but I can’t find it on docs… is this even possible?
Thanks you
Hello @koral, yes in a similar way to Fastlane, that gives you the text log of the error first error that made the buld to fail… aka the log of the failed command (if its a build failure, you get that build console log)
So far my experiments with fastlane where unsuccessful.
Since the errors can happen before any given fastlane command (and we do use a lot the bitrise tooling).
I need something on bitrise environment that I can later funnel to slack.