My calabash Android steps is not running.
Before run calabash step, my gradle build signs the package with a keystore.
In calabash step he tries to find a keystore in a location not set by me, so he generates a new one keystore for sign the apk.
What causes the failure to run.
Search for debug.keystore...
android debug keystore not exist at: /root/.android/debug.keystore
checking xamarin debug keystore at: /root/.local/share/Mono for Android/debug.keystore
xamarin debug keystore not exist at: /root/.local/share/Mono for Android/debug.keystore
generating debug keystore
$ keytool "-genkey" "-v" "-keystore" "/root/.android/debug.keystore" "-alias" "androiddebugkey" "-storepass" "android" "-keypass" "android" "-keyalg" "RSA" "-keysize" "2048" "-validity" "10000" "-dname" "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US"
using debug keystore: /root/.android/debug.keystore
Resign apk with debug.keystore...
$ calabash-android "resign" "/bitrise/deploy/app-ServerProducao-debug.apk"