We couldnβt recognize your platform.
Our auto-configurator supports react-native, flutter, ionic, cordova, ios, macos, android, xamarin, fastlane projects. If youβre adding something else, skip this step and configure your Workflow manually.
Agent version: 1.17.1
Hostname: prd-latest-usc1b-210214040112-zftvcfbwzhrmwlhvwdvu67
Start time: 2021-02-14T04:06:25Z
$ docker βrunβ β-vβ β/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sockβ β-vβ β/bitrise:/bitriseβ β-vβ β/tmp/bitrise-agent005610593:/.bitrise-configβ β-eβ βBITRISEIO_GIT_REPOSITORY_OWNER=goodlifeapp/iosβ β-eβ βBITRISEIO_GIT_REPOSITORY_SLUG=customerβ β-eβ βBITRISE_APP_URL=https://app.bitrise.io/app/457a2f2425e650d1β β-eβ βBITRISE_APP_SLUG=457a2f2425e650d1β β-eβ βBITRISE_APP_TITLE=customerβ β-eβ "GIT_REPOSITORY_URL=git@gitlab.com:goodlifeapp/ios/customer.git" ββprivilegedβ ββnetwork=hostβ ββname=bitrise-main-containerβ βbitriseio/android:pinnedβ βbitriseβ βrunβ ββconfigβ β/.bitrise-config/bitrise.ymlβ ββinventoryβ β/.bitrise-config/bitrise.secrets.ymlβ ββjson-params-base64β βeyJ3b3JrZmxvdyI6InZhbGlkYXRpb25fd29ya2Zsb3dfd2l0aF9zc2gifQ==β
WARNING: Error loading config file: .dockercfg: $HOME is not defined
βββββββ βββββββββββββββββββ βββββββββββββββββββ
βββββββββββ βββ βββββββββββββββββββββββββ
βββββββββββ βββ βββββββββββββββββββββββββ
βββββββββββ βββ βββ ββββββββββββββββββββββ
βββββββ βββ βββ βββ ββββββββββββββββββββββ
version: 1.44.0
INFO[04:06:26] bitrise runs in Secret Filtering mode
INFO[04:06:26] bitrise runs in CI mode
INFO[04:06:26] Running workflow: validation_workflow_with_ssh
Switching to workflow: validation_workflow_with_ssh
INFO[04:06:26] Step uses latest version β Updating StepLib β¦
| (0) Running project scanner |
| id: project-scanner |
| version: 3.10.0 |
| collection: https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise-steplib.git |
| toolkit: go |
| time: 2021-02-14T04:06:31Z |
| |
- ScanDirectory: /bitrise/src
- ResultSubmitURL: [REDACTED]
- ResultSubmitAPIToken: *****
- IconCandidatesURL: [REDACTED]
- DebugLog: true
- EnableRepoClone: true
- SSHRsaPrivateKey: *****
- RepositoryURL: [REDACTED]
- Branch: [REDACTED]
SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY has been unset
ssh_rsa_private_key has been unset
$ ssh-add β-lβ
Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
Exit code: exit status 2
ssh_agent_check_result: 2
ssh-agent not started
starting a new ssh-agent and exporting connection information with envman
$ ssh-agent
Expose SSH_AUTH_SOCK for the new ssh-agent, with envman
$ bash β-cβ β/tmp/spawn265060894/tmp_spawn.shβ
spawn ssh-add /root/.ssh/steplib_ssh_step_id_rsa
Identity added: /root/.ssh/steplib_ssh_step_id_rsa (/root/.ssh/steplib_ssh_step_id_rsa)
The SSH key was saved to /root/.ssh/steplib_ssh_step_id_rsa
and was successfully added to ssh-agent.
$ git βinitβ
Initialized empty Git repository in /bitrise/src/.git/
$ git βremoteβ βaddβ βoriginβ β[REDACTED]β
$ git βfetchβ βoriginβ βrefs/heads/[REDACTED]β
Warning: Permanently added βgitlab.com,β (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
From gitlab.com:goodlifeapp/ios/customer
- [new branch] [REDACTED] -> origin/[REDACTED]
$ git βcheckoutβ β[REDACTED]β