Automatic Provisioning Failing

Related question: Automatic Provisioning

I’m having

no development nor production certificate identified on development portal

HOWEVER, I literally just archived and uploaded successfully two builds to Itunesconnect using Xcode locally, and I’ve tried twice deleting all uploaded certificates on Bitrise and reuploading them.

It’s okay now to close this question. I’ve been exporting my certificates in a wrong way! Thanks to Bitrise team for guiding me.

Hi, @glennlalafood I’m getting the same issue. what is the correct way to export your certificates?

Hello there!

You should generate the appropriate ipa locally, that will create the profiles on the apple developer portal, then use the code sign script we have up on the code signing tab, that will download them for you. :upside_down_face:

ok I see now. We have to commit and push the code after code signing. That fixed my archive issue. Thanks!

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