Archive fails after changing target in Xcode project

For certificates reasons, I had to change the exist target’s name, and add a new target in the project. After that, in archive step it shows me this error:

error: /Users/vagrant/git/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XXX-Development/Pods-XXX-Development.release.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target “XXX-Development” in project “XXX”) (in target ‘XXX-Development’)

I’ve updated the cocoapods’ settings by pod setup, and also I’ve tried to re-download the whole project and do exactly the same as the workflow settings locally on my computer, and it worked fine, the file showed in the error message above also exists after I run the bootstrap script.

By the way, the test workflow also works fine, only the archive workflow doesn’t.

Any idea why it happens?


I tried to insert a pod setup in the workflow and then it worked fine, although I’ve already committed and pushed all the changes to the remote repository :thinking: weird


Sorry for the late response.

Could you please send us the url of this build, or a log file so I can check the full logs for some more details?

Sorry for being late! After all I found it’s not a good idea to separate targets for just different build settings, so I instead set some different build configurations for different schemes, and now it works fine!

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I’m really glad you found a solution for you.

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