Xcode archive failed - Unable to load contents of file list: ‘xxx/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-xxx/Pods-xxx-resources-Release-input-files.xcfilelist’ (in target ‘xxx’)

Bitrise Build Issue Report template

Hi, I tried to build my project, but I got the following error:

Description of the issue

:x: error: /Users/vagrant/git/XXXX/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XXXX/Pods-XXXX.development release.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target “XXXX” in project “XXXX”) (in target ‘XXXX’ from project ‘XXXX’)
:x: error: /Users/vagrant/git/XXXX/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XXXX/Pods-XXXX.development release.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target “XXXX” in project “XXXX”) (in target ‘XXXX’ from project ‘XXXX’)
:x: error: /Users/vagrant/git/XXXX/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XXXX/Pods-XXXX.development release.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target “XXXX” in project “XXXX”) (in target ‘XXXX’ from project ‘XXXX’)
Unable to read contents of XCFileList ‘/Target Support Files/Pods-XXXX/Pods-XXXX-frameworks-Development Release-output-files.xcfilelist’ (in target ‘XXXX’ from project ‘XXXX’)
:x: error: Unable to load contents of file list: ‘/Target Support Files/Pods-XXXX/Pods-XXXX-frameworks-Development Release-input-files.xcfilelist’ (in target ‘XXXX’ from project ‘XXXX’)
:x: error: Unable to load contents of file list: ‘/Target Support Files/Pods-XXXX/Pods-XXXX-frameworks-Development Release-output-files.xcfilelist’ (in target ‘XXXX’ from project ‘XXXX’)


Xcode 12.3.x, on macOS 10.15.6 (Catalina)

If on Bitrise.io: which stack? If not on Bitrise.io: on what operating system? (Plus any other information you can share)

(4) xcode-archive@3.1


  • Does a “Rebuild” help? (You can trigger a rebuild from the Build’s page, by clicking the “Rebuild” button in the top right corner of a finished build) : NO
  • _Does a rebuild without caches help? (You can remove the Cache:Pull and Cache:Push steps temporarily to not to use the cache, or [you can delete all the caches on the Settings tab of the app] NO
  • Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? : Every time
  • Does upgrading the build Step to the latest version help? : NO
  • When did the issue start? :

Local reproduction

Can it be reproduced on your own Mac/PC by following our local debug guide? Please follow at least the first section (“Testing with a full clean git clone”) to make sure to test the state of the code what bitrise.io will get when it does a git clone in the clean environment! If possible please note which sections you tried.

Local reproduction: Linux / Android (docker based) stack builds

Can it be reproduced by running the build locally, after doing a new git clone of the repository into the /tmp directory and running the build from there with the Bitrise CLI ( Bitrise CLI )? If no, can it be reproduced with Docker (using the same docker images / environment we use on bitrise.io)? Related guide: Redirecting… .

Build log

Please copy paste the build’s bitrise.io URL here (or if the issue happens somewhere else then the full logs), or if you can’t share the url / log here then send the url or full log through a private channel (e.g. email - Contact us ), with a link to the related Discuss issue.

Hi Jose!

Have you tried adding “Run Cocoapods Install” to your build?

Thank you,


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