Android Virtual Device Testing - Application Error

When rebuilding a previously successful build I am receiving the below issue. The step in question is Virtual Device Testing for Android v1.1.1. Is the testlab integration experiencing availability issues?

In case a build URL is necessary (since it is often asked for on these forums), here is the same commit with the same workflow built twice this morning but with different results:
Success: Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation
Failure: Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation

Another potentially related error message that occurred in the stream of builds run during troubleshooting this morning:

Hi @Phase2! :wave: It’s possible that this is related to an issue with our test reporting add-on that should have been resolved a few minutes ago. Can you please try your build again and see if you still face this error? Thanks! :smile:

Thank you for the quick response, @ahvth-bitrise! I queued the build to be rerun now and will have an answer for you in roughly 25 minutes.

@ahvth-bitrise the issue seems to be resolved, the build has passed

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Awesome, thanks for letting us know! :slight_smile:

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