Android UI Test

I am trying to create a workflow with the virtual-device-testing-for-android but I cannot make it work.
Amy clue what I am missing?

    - cache-pull@2.5:
        - is_debug_mode: 'true'
    - gradle-runner@1:
        - gradle_task: ":app:assembleAndroidTest"
    - gradle-runner@1:
        - gradle_task: ":app:assemble"
    - sign-apk@1:
        - verbose_log: 'true'
        - android_app: "$BITRISE_APK_PATH"
    - virtual-device-testing-for-android@1.1:
        - inst_test_runner_class: androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner
        - inst_use_orchestrator: 'true'
        - test_devices: Nexus9,25,en,portrait
        - test_type: instrumentation
    - cache-push@2.5:
        is_always_run: true
Waiting for test results
- Validating
- (1/1) running
- (0/1) running
=> Test finished
Test results:
Model    API Level   Locale   Orientation   Outcome              
Nexus9   25          en       portrait      failure   
|                                                                              |
| x | virtual-device-testing-for-android@1.1 (exit code: 1)         | 4.8 min  |
| Issue tracker: |
| Source: |

And when I navigate to the Test Reports I see only a 4sec video with the setting of the device, our app doesn’t start

Hello there @g.metaxakis :wave:

Can you please send us the log file or the URL of the related build and also enable Support Access on the Settings tab of the app ( Enabling the Bitrise Support user for your app | Bitrise DevCenter ) so that we can take a more in-depth look? :slightly_smiling_face:

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