I’m trying to launch UI tests with Virtual Device Testing on an Android app.
But this steps fails after a timeout with “Outcome” : “inconclusive(InfrastructureFailure)”
Link to my build : Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation
I enabled Bitrise Support for my app.
For the Gradle Runner step, I tried to run tasks “assembleDebug assembleAndroidTest” and “assembleDebug assembleDebugAndroidTest”, but both failed.
For Virtual Device Testing step, my configuration is for test type “instrumentation” with a test timeout at 180 seconds (I tried more but no change).
In my app’s settings tab, I wasn’t able to activate “Android UI Testing” because I don’t see this block.
Could you please help me to run my UI tests ?
Here are the logs for this step :
| (7) virtual-device-testing-for-android@1.0.5 |
| id: virtual-device-testing-for-android |
| version: 1.0.5 |
| collection: GitHub - bitrise-io/bitrise-steplib: New Bitrise StepLib |
| toolkit: go |
| time: 2019-07-12T08:56:41Z |
| |
INFO[08:56:41] Start installing (golang) with apt-get
INFO[08:56:41] * [OK] Step dependency (go) installed, available.
- ApkPath: /bitrise/deploy/sample-debug.apk
- TestTimeout: 180
- DirectoriesToPull:
- EnvironmentVariables:
- TestDevices:
Model API Level Locale Orientation
NexusLowRes 24 portrait en
- AppPackageID:
- TestType: instrumentation
- TestApkPath: /bitrise/deploy/sample-debug-androidTest.apk
- InstTestPackageID:
- InstTestRunnerClass:
- InstTestTargets:
- UseOrchestrator: false
Upload APKs
=> APKs uploaded
Start test
=> Test started
Waiting for test results- Validating
- (1/1) running
- (0/1) running
=> Test finished
Test results:
Model API Level Locale Orientation Outcome
NexusLowRes 24 en portrait inconclusive(InfrastructureFailure)
| |
| x | virtual-device-testing-for-android@1.0.5 (exit code: 1) | 13.3 min |