Xamarin iOS build failure - file name conflict

Suddenly started receiving following error at Xamarin Archive step this morning.
Conflicts between 2 files due to same name :confused:

Anyone knows what this is? and how to fix this?

Hi @mxpbitrise,

thanks for the question!

Are you able to build your project on your local machine, using your IDE, without error?

Yes. It builds as expected on local machine. We are using Xamarin Studio on Mac-Mini.
Build also succeeds with Visual Studio on Windows PC

Could you please write us a message on bitrise.io on-site chat? i would like to take a look on your failed build log file.

Once we solve the issue, or collect more info about it, we can write them here.

ok. I have also attached the log file in the chat itself.

Probable root cause:

New version of xamarin.ios does not allow two files with same name.
Removed the duplicate files (otherwise rename) and the build succeeded.

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Good catch @mxpbitrise, thanks for reporting!