Uploading IPA Failed. Apple ID or Password was entered incorrectly

I have a problem in step “deploy to itunesconnect application loader” to deploy to App Store connect.

My account has two-factor auth, so I have added in sensitive field Apple ID, Password and Specific password, but it does not work and sends me the error with message (from logs):

Uploading - XXX-Dev.ipa ...

$ xcrun "altool" "--upload-app" "-f" "/Users/vagrant/deploy/XXX-Dev.ipa" "-u" "[REDACTED]" "-p" "[REDACTED]"

2020-11-18 14:05:46.785 altool[6703:28634] *** Error: Error uploading '/Users/vagrant/deploy/XXX-Dev.ipa'.

2020-11-18 14:05:46.785 altool[6703:28634] *** Error: code -1011 (Failed to authenticate for ErrorDomain=ITunesConnectionAuthenticationErrorDomain Code=-20101 \"Your Apple ID or 
password was entered incorrectly.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Your Apple ID or 
password was entered incorrectly., NSLocalizedDescription=Your Apple ID or password was entered
incorrectly., NSLocalizedFailureReason=App Store operation failed.}"`
) Authentication failed.)
Uploading IPA failed: exit status 1


Can you try generating a new app specific password to use?

If the issue continues, you might want to consider using the API Key URL and Issuer ID instead of specifying the Apple ID/PW/app specific pw.

If you continue to have this issue, please open a ticket with support: https://www.bitrise.io/bitrise-support


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