Unable to verify the signature of manually added xcframework

We’ve just updated an xcframework to its latest version (HERE SDK for iOS Explore Edition, v4.[HERE Technologies Documentation | HERE Docs]. This framework requires manual installation as it is not available with either SPM or CocoaPods. Our Test (and Archive) step is failing now with the following error:

Failed to execute Step: command failed with exit status 65 (xcodebuild “-workspace” “/Users/vagrant/git/Unified.xcworkspace” “-scheme” “Unified_Debug-Staging” “test” “-destination” “id=913F980D-A0EE-4E4F-A58B-395678D6CD2D” “-resultBundlePath” “/var/folders/7l/rszmbrmd6tv4pg52z6ql_5rc0000gn/T/XCUITestOutput1600016439/Test-Unified_Debug-Staging.xcresult” “-retry-tests-on-failure” “-test-iterations” “3” “-xcconfig” “/var/folders/7l/rszmbrmd6tv4pg52z6ql_5rc0000gn/T/1200700135/temp.xcconfig”): /Users/vagrant/git/Frameworks/heresdk.xcframework:1:1: error: The signature of “heresdk.xcframework” cannot be verified. (exit code: 1)

Building locally to a device or the simulator completes successfully. It looks like the new version includes a code signature and inspecting the previous version on master shows no attached code signature.

previous framework
new framework

The steps impacted are “Xcode Archive & Export for iOS” and “Xcode Test for iOS”. What can we do in our workflow to get these steps to succeed?

Thanks for any and all help!
