I am using cocoapods as dependency manager of ios app.
I include all cocoapods artifacts into git, so I don’t run pod install on bitrise CI.
But Pods/ directory are cached somehow.
I’ve tried following things but no success.
It looks like the workflow that has the cache-push is run from repo so I can’t actually see the settings. Could you provide this? Also, please enable debug mode for the step and provide the build log with that.
For the “Ignore Paths for change check”, you can specify paths not to include in the cache:
Paths prefixed with an ! will get ignored from the cache archive**.
If a path is located inside a specified Cache Path item and not prefixed with an !, it’ll be included in the cache archive, but won’t be checked for changes.
Thanks I will try it. But I have another question,
For the “Ignore Paths for change check”, you can specify paths not to include in the cache:
If ignore_check_on_paths were to specify paths not to include in the cache,
what bitrise_cache_exclude_paths is for?
I thought it were to specify paths not to include in the cache.
The last three “step inputs” listed are really for the step to use and cannot be changed. If you notice, they have “is_dont_change_value: true”. They are strictly for internal use by the step.
Do you know the way to exclude all cache paths without those I specified?
I want remove all the cache paths specified by Bitrise.
Never want you to cache anything other than I request.
How can I achieve that?
Sorry for the delay, as you also have noticed, the forums are not the primary platform for solve specific ongoing issues, and our response times may vary from thread to thread.
If the issue needs escalation, I would advise contacting Bitrise Support via going to https://support.bitrise.io/, or writing us an email to support@bitrise.io