I am trying to use the cache step with Xcode and everything is set up and working as expected in it’s most basic configuration. We set it up following this post: https://medium.com/@bitrise/60-faster-builds-force-xcode-to-use-caching-on-bitrise-af8979ca39a6
We have a problem though, since we are trying to exclude some files from the cache but we are failing.
Let’s say we have the directory:
We are successfully caching it. But then nested we have ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/app-ajzjxykzsqpgqcgmtbfjkruhblfz/Build/Intermediates.noindex/PrecompiledHeaders
and we want to exclude it from the cache.
We have tried including it in the Ignore Paths section of the cache, also setting the environment variable $BITRISE_CACHE_EXCLUDE_PATHS with no success.
Yes, I just tested again to make sure no mistakes were done.
Updated the settings.
Deleted all cache.
Triggered a new build.
The file can be found in:
Sorry if I was not clear enough.
After performing the previous steps and waiting for the build to complete, I downloaded the cache archive generated by bitrise. After expanding that archive, I could find in it the folder and files that were supposed to be excluded.
Hi @Nuvolar_mobile_team thanks for the report,
we released a new version (2.1.0) of Cache Push step, which fixes this issue.
Please update the step version to 2.1.0.