Turning off a specific Pod? (Bitrise on iOS)

Hi @massimosavinoatkater,

What happens if you clone the repo into a new directory and run pod install and then the Xcode Test from there?

The goal is to have everything automated, without any manual step like “open Xcode then turn this or that off” as that won’t work in a non interactive environment. In case of CocoaPods the usual solution is to do the related scripting in the Podfile directly.

To debug the issue I’d suggest you to:

  1. Do a clean git clone of the repo on your Mac, into a new/empty directory (to have the code in the state bitrise gets it)
  2. Ensure that you use the same Xcode version (Xcode 9.2 in this case)
  3. Then either run the related commands yourself (e.g. pod install) or even better use our CLI to run the config on your Mac. Related short guide: How to experiment with Bitrise configs locally, on your Mac/Linux

Please let us know how that goes! :slight_smile: