Tidy up your repo: Customize your bitrise.yml path!

Hey, Bitrise community :wave:

Pleased to introduce a new feature that’ll make managing your monorepo a breeze: Custom bitrise.yml paths! :tada:

:package: What’s new?

Monorepo users (and all other Bitrise users), rejoice! You can now choose where to store your bitrise.yml file within your Git repository. Clear out the clutter in your root directory and enjoy a neat, organized setup. This change lets you arrange your files just how you like them, making your workflow smoother.

:bulb: How to use It

Head over to Workflows > Configuration YAML in your Bitrise dashboard. If your YAML source is set to “Git repository,” you’ll see the option to set a custom path for your bitrise.yml. The default is still the root directory, but now you can easily change it to fit your needs.

:purple_heart: Why you’ll like it

  • Stay organized: Keep your root directory tidy.
  • Flexibility: Place your bitrise.yml file where it makes the most sense for your team.
  • Efficiency: Quickly access your configuration without wading through unnecessary files.

:spiral_notepad: Quick note

This update is for those who store their configuration YAML in their Git repository. If your YAML is on Bitrise, you’re all set—no changes needed!

:ring_buoy: Need help?

If you run into any issues, double-check that Bitrise has access to your repo and that your bitrise.yml path is correct. If left blank, Bitrise will default to looking in the root directory. Still having issues? Open a support ticket at Bitrise Help Center.

We’re excited to see how this update helps you streamline your projects. Dive in and let us know what you think!

Happy building! :rocket:

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