Tag Trigger causes duplicate build

We have a tag trigger pointing to a specific workflow. When the tag is published in the repo, the workflow is triggered twice. We have checked settings and nothing seems to explain this behavior.

Did you check whether you have two webhooks (for your bitrise.io app) on GitHub / where you host your code? That’s the most likely cause of this issue.

Another thing worth to check is the webhook history of your source code hosting service, and look for the relevant webhook sent to bitrise.io and check the response returned by bitrise.io

Related docs: http://devcenter.bitrise.io/webhooks/troubleshooting/

Thank you for the quick response… checking the webhook history now, for webhooks we only have one…

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Did you figure it out what the issue was?

We’ll be doing some more testing today and will let you know!! thank you for the follow up

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All working as expected now! It was certainly a web-hook dup. Thanks for the prompt response and follow-up.

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Any time :wink:

Happy Building!

Thanks for this. I encounter this problem today, it turns out to be duplicated webhook!