Step Amazon Device Farm Runner fails with error


I’ve managed to integrate AWS Device Farm using steps, but didn’t manage to execute test yet. The 2nd step fails with error which I don’t understand. Is it related to step configuration or AWS DF project? The error looks as follows:

max() arg is an empty sequence
Unable to find a test package named ‘arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:275****’ in your device farm project. Please make sure that test_package_name corresponds to the basename (not the full path) of the test package which should have been previously uploaded by the aws-file-deploy step. If the test bundle is too old it may not be found; try re-uploading it. See GitHub - peartherapeutics/bitrise-aws-device-farm-file-deploy

I’d be happy also to have any good guidance for integrating AWS Device Farm , but haven’t found yet the one which would help in my case. Anyway would be glad to any ideas?


Hi @alexander.g!

Unfortunately the step itself isn’t created nor maintained by us (see: but you have an ongoing chat with me so let’s further discuss the details of this on Intercom!

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