Hello guys,
I searched for “schedule” but can not find any topics similar to my request so I decided to create a new one.
We’re using Bitrise to schedule beta and production builds, but right now as I can see in Build Configuration, I can only schedule build every “1” week, but it’s quite much for our need. Ideally we want to schedule beta builds every week and production builds every 2 weeks.
What do you think about it?
Awesome idea @thaiduy, thanks for the #feature-request!
Note/workaround for now, although this requires quite some config outside of Bitrise.io: you can use any scheduler, e.g. cron
on a VPS, and the Bitrise.io Build Trigger API to trigger scheduled builds.
Thank you for your reply @viktorbenei, I will try your suggestion.
Description of the feature request
It’d be nice to schedule jobs that run monthly.
Use case / for what or how I would use it
Infrequent tasks such as updating translations would benefit from running automatically every month.
Feature request
To be able to specify a more fine-grained (cron-like) scheduling.
Use case
Make an API request to a server every two hours.
This might be a bit extreme, but can be an inspiration: https://crontab.guru/
Hey Guys. Any update on this feature request? Our team could greatly benefit from this. Thanks.
hi, i really need this function, i need to run a workflow every 12 minutes and another monthly, is there any update on this?
We try to implement as many feature requests as we can, but we get a lot! Unfortunately, there is no update for this at this time.
One suggestion - you might look at setting up a CRON job or equivalent and use the API to trigger your build.
Hi Cathy, I really appreciate your response.
Currently in Bitrise when I execute a build using curl, it executes immediately, but what I need is, using parameters to configure that it should not execute immediately, but must wait, for example 10 minutes and then execute the build. this would be a one-time execution. which is different from the recurring executions that are currently in beta.
Using this link is an example of creating a one-time schedule build with curl could be
"build_params": {
"triggers": {
"Recurrence": {
"type": "OneTime",
"startTime": "2020-09-07T14:00:00Z",
"timeZone": "Pacific Standard Time"
for example using the API for schedule a recurrent build could be:
"build_params": {
"triggers": {
"Recurrence": {
"type": "Recurrence",
"recurrence": {
"frequency": "Week",
"interval": 1,
"schedule": {
"hours": [
"minutes": [
"weekDays": [
"startTime": "2020-09-07T14:00:00Z",
"timeZone": "Pacific Standard Time"
Wow - thanks for the additional information and for the example! I agree this would be a great feature and added this update to the feature request. We do have a large number of feature request so I do not know if or when this might happen.
In the meantime, I can only suggest using a scheduler tool to kick the builds off when needed. Not ideal, but the only option I can think of at the moment.
It is sometimes really surprising that Bitrise is lacking such simple features. It is a common practice to use cron job syntax for recurring tasks and all other CI systems I used before have this feature.
Also, I would say this should be configured within the bitrise.yaml. Then having cronjob syntax makes a lot more sense.
Thanks for adding your comments! If you haven’t, be sure to vote for this requests.
Has this been supported yet?
Pleased to share that flexible schedules was released earlier this year. Check this out - Scheduling builds - Bitrise Docs