Is there any way to scedhule/automatically trigger a build every two months?

We have this dummy app, we have on testflight that we need to push every 3 months (because build expires). We just use this internally to test content.

I’ve set up a workflow that ups build number, but we still have to trigger it manually every 3 months before the build expires. Any ideas of how to do this? “schedule build” only seems to do this on a weekly basis.


Hi @hannah-tenerity,

You can only schedule a build on a weekly basis, however, you can make it work with a bit of a workaround.

You can schedule the builds to run weekly on Mondays, and with a script step you add an additional logic to check if:

  • the current month number is dividable by 3 and this is the first week of the month.

if it’s false you either return with an error that will stop the build or you set an environment variable that you use to skip the next steps: Enabling or disabling a Step conditionally - Bitrise Docs

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Thanks will give this a try this week! Much appreciated for the response.