Request to please add Firebase build deployment in Bitrise

Request to please add Firebase build deployment in Bitrise

Hi Team,

We are using Fabrics to deploy our build so far. But Fabrics is going out by Mar 31, 2020 and Fabrics is asking us to use Firebase. When i search for option to deploy in Firebase and it is not available in Bitrise. Can you please add deploying build in Firebase and let me know?


You shouldn’t need to deploy to Firebase. Just integrate the Firebase Crashlytics SDK into your app and that’s all you have to do.

this feature is in progress. you can track it by:

We are already using Crashlytics library. And i migrated crashes to Firebase from Fabric and i didn’t face any issues with that. But i am not able to deploy build taken in Bitrise to Firebase automatically. So that i can distribute Staging(not PROD) build to test users. Thanks for the reply. I got answer from @guness that Firebase deployment is in progress.

Thanks @guness !!!

In case of Android apps you don’t need anything on Bitrise side. You can deploy using Gradle:

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This has been released