Personal Access Tokens (BETA)

From now you can create your Personal access tokens which you can use to communicate with the Bitrise API.

To create a Personal Access Token navigate to your Account settings page and click on the Security tab.
The Personal access token (BETA) section will be right under the Two-factor authentication section.

To Generate new token you have to specify a token description and click on Save button:

If you already used that description for another token you will get an error message, if not you will get the personal access token.

Make sure to copy your new personal access token. You won’ be able to see it again!

Also, you can Edit the token description, Regenerate or Delete (This action have to be confirmed in a warning popup) the access token.

For more information about the actual status of Bitrise API implementation, please click here.

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Wow, this was quick, thanks for taking the initiative to get this sorted out so fast, will let you know if all is good.

Hi @RichAbery - are you sure this thread is related to your issue/question?
This in a personal access token feature, which will be used for the public api ( Bitrise Public API )

Yeah sorry misread! Got over excited!

No problem at all. Just curious, what did you think this feature was related to?

The issue we were having yesterday with the SAML SSO Github logins, which you sorted out yesterday :wink: Smashing it guys!

Ahh, ok, I remember that. For now we opted for a Step based solution for SSO/OAuth tokens, but we might add a more integrated solution in the future, probably in the not too distant future :wink:

Yep, all the discussions are here about OAuth:

Feel free to share your experiences! :blush:

Thanks for the link @tamaspapik :wink: