Coming from Buddybuild, one thing that is useful is to have multiple schemes build for the same commit. This way the build number works and we have different builds for each environment.
Can I do this with Bit rise? So far I imagine having 1 workflow with 3 build steps, but that would take forever
While as of now, one git event can only trigger one workflow, you could separate these build configurations into 3 different workflows, start the first one on commit and use that to trigger the other two workflows. Or would you like run this workflows all at once?
I am in a similar position where I am coming from Buddybuild and wishing to port over the same functionality into Bitrise.
My configuration in Buddybuild has a single app with three different schemes – dev, staging, and production – each scheme configured for their respective environments. Our unit tests are only run against the dev scheme. If the tests fail, the build needs to be marked as failed.
My approach is to have a commit trigger a “dev” workflow, which will run the tests and archive the app for ad-hoc deployment. Once the build completes and all tests pass, I would then trigger the “staging” and “production” workflows. “staging” will be archived for ad-hoc deployment as well, while “production” will be archived for app-store deployment. However I am running into some issues with this implementation:
The bitrise-run step fails with the following error: “bitrise_config_path does not exist: ./bitrise.yml”. How should I reference the path to the config file of another workflow from the bitrise-run configuration?
Am I able to trigger two workflows to run in parallel? It seems that I can only do them sequentially.
Is this issue still persistent to you? Please let us know here (preferably in a different issue thread instead) or you may continue your conversation with Sándor on our on-site chat anytime!
It would be nice to be able to have the same build number for multiple schemes, so far the only way I can do this is by running them sequentially. Good thing is it only uses 1 concurrent build, but it does take 2-3x longer depending on how many schemes we’re building.
Hy, unfortunately as of now we can not provide a better solution then using the build number as a versioning variable, for it auto increments, maybe you could set up the other two workflow to use $(($BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER - 1)) and -2 so it will be basically the same number.