Monthly release of Bitrise CLI tools and summary of updates (Feb, 2017)

We ship a new bitrise cli version on the second Tuesday of every month.
The new release will be available on the
virtual machines on the weekend after the CLI release,
unless we discover any serious bug / regression.

Read on to learn more about this month’s Bitrise CLI release and about the changes around bitrise tools and steps.

New version of Bitrise CLI (1.5.4)

To allow bitrise-cli to use stepman’s new features we updated the required minimal stepman version to 0.9.28.

The new stepman version adds support for local and git steps in step-info command. This update will allow the offline workflow-editor to handle every type of steps, even it is a git or local step.

This version of bitrise-cli ships with the offline workflow-editor as a default plugin.

This means, once you update your bitrise-cli to 1.5.4, it will install the workflow editor for you, during the setup process. To run the editor, just call:

bitrise :workflow-editor

bitrise-cli checks if there is a new version of any installed plugin, from now it will print a command for you, which you can use to update a plugin. Do not miss any updates! :hammer_and_wrench:

New version of Stepman (0.9.28)

BREAKING CHANGE : step-info command revision:

We added local and git step support to this command and also updated its log, to provide all neccessary infos about every type of the supported steps.

You can specify the step’s source with the new --library flag. As a value you can provide:

  • STEPLI_URI - the git uri of the step library
  • path - specifies local step
  • git - if you want to use a step from its git source

With --id flag, you can specify the unique identifier of the step in its collection:

  • in case of step library step: the unique identifier in the library
  • in case of local step: the local path of the step directory
  • in case of git step: the git uri of the step reporitory

--version flag:

  • in case of steplib step: the step version in the steplib
  • in case of local step: not used
  • in case of git step: git tag or branch

You can define the output format of the command by passing --format FROMAT flag.

Format can be either raw (default):

$ stepman step-info --library --id script --version 1.1.1 --format raw

ID: script
Version: 1.1.1
LatestVersion: 1.1.3

[step.yml content]

or json to use the command’s output by other tools:

$ stepman step-info --library --id script --version 1.1.1 --format json



     [serialized step model]



Get info about a step from the step library:

stepman step-info --library --id script --version 1.1.1

Get info about a local step:

stepman step-info --library path --id /PATH/TO/THE/STEP/DIRECTORY

Get step info about a step, defined by its git repository uri:

stepman step-info --library git --id --version master

Command flag changes:

  • --collection is deprecated, use --library instead
  • --short is deprecated and no longer used
  • --step-yml is deprecated, use --library=path and --id PATH_TO_YOUR_STEP_DIR instead

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