macOS Intel machine type spring cleaning 🧹 on the 3rd of June

Last year we’ve enabled your Workspace to use faster Apple Silicon machines to provide you with the best possible experience. Still, many customers have Intel machine type referenced in their bitrise.yml configuration file.

In these cases the builds are running on Apple Silicon machines because we switch them when a build is triggered. However, it’s time to clean up :broom: the Intel machine type references in your configurations.

  • If you store your bitrise.yml file on Bitrise, we will automatically update your configuration with an Apple silicon machine that maps to your currently configured Intel machine. Before the automatic update, you can modify your configuration easily by using the Bitrise API, as described in a previous post here: Migrating all your apps from Intel to Apple silicon with the Bitrise API
  • If you store your bitrise.yml file in your own repository, you must change your configuration yourself, otherwise your builds will break from the 21st of May 3rd of June. Unfortunately, you can’t use the Bitrise API migration endpoint if the configuration file is stored in your own repository.

I am sorry, but due to technical complexity, we needed to delay the macOS Intel machine type spring cleaning to the 3rd of June.

:warning: Builds triggered with macOS Intel machine types will start breaking at 8:30 ET, 5:30 PT, 12:30 UTC